Criteria for Picking a Viewpoint

Could I possibly pick a viewpoint? At the beginning of 2009 I was leaning towards Parital Preterism/Postmillennialism after attending a conference in the fall of 2008. Now I am not so sure I want to be dogmatic about any viewpoint. I just want the blessings of studying Revelation.

The Reformers cried, "Sola Scriptura!" Strangely they did not get into this debate. Calvin and Luther were mild, not wild about their Amillennialism. On the Pilgrim Board I read where someone had asked R. C. Sproul about his viewpoints and he said that he was not a Dispensational Premillennialist, but saw positives and negatives about the three other views.

While listening to the Daily Audio Bible on my iPod yesterday, Brian Hardin read from Deuteronomy 4:2:, You shall not add to the word which I command you, nor take from it; that you may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you.
I thought about Proverbs 30:5,6 which reads Every word of God proves true; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him. Do not add to his words, lest he rebuke you, and you be found a liar.
Then of course there is the warning that ends Revelation about not taking away from Revelation nor adding to it. While it is so important to find prophecy in all of Scripture, I want to think about which eschatology viewpoint adds to Scripture.

How can the Gospel get things done?

Episode 78: How sweet the sound

Considering how often it is that people misunderstand what “church” is when compared businesses and corporations, on this edition of Radical Grace we talk about clarifying doctrine, what a church is, and my favorite whipping boy: The idea of the Amazing Grace of God will somehow make Christians lazy and more sinful.

John Newton, the author of the hymn “Amazing Grace”, understood Radical Grace.

To listen to the show you can click on the play button, or right click on "get mp3" and choose "save target as" to save to your computer.

Denver Seminary Gives a Case for Historic Premil

Not since George Ladd wrote on Historical Premillennialism, has a significant book been published on this view of eschatology. Two Denver Seminary Professors each wrote a chapter and edited others in A Case for Historic Premillennialism: An Alternative to "Left Behind" Eschatology, just out this month from Baker Academic of Baker Publishing Group of Grand Rapids, Michigan. Four other Denver professors join these men along with two professors from other seminaries.

The book gives new ideas to our discussion in my opinion.
  • Who is to say we escape the tribulation? The book argues "I actually think the doctrine of the tribulation is more important than the doctrine of the millennium." (p. 69)
  • Believers "will be the ones left behind--on earth to enjoy the glory and grandeur of reigning with Christ during the millennium." (p. 78)
  • Why do certain segments in the church dismiss the study of eschatology? Blomberg suggests on page 65 "With the rise of modern (and now postmodern) liberalism, many authors have simply dismissed biblical apocalyptic as the outmoded husk or shell into which the ancients placed their eschatological beliefs. One need not even debate the timing of the rapture, so the argument goes, because we cannot expect a literal rapture ever to occur, or a literal second coming of Christ for that matter. At best, biblical apocalyptic represents, according to this view, theological encouragement, in primitive garb, for beleaguered Christians that God can and will work through the events of this world and through his people to create a better world and that God's people need not fear that the world will become as bad as it could possibly be."
  • Book's summary. "The logical corollary of classic dispensationalism is that the world is going to hell in a handbasket and the most we can hope to do is save souls before the end is upon us and we have no further opportunity to do so. Postmillennialism, followed consistently, engenders an unbridled optimism in what God wants to do in Christianizing the earth through his Spirit-filled followers, an optimism that is hard to mesh with humanity's experience in any prolonged period of world history. Amillennialism and historic premillennialism both acknowledge the 'already but not yet' inaugurated kingdom of God, and both allow for God to still want to do great good on this earth through his people and for the devil to still wreak great havoc." p. 172

Mark 8:12 and Luke 21:36

Keith, who will never post here he indicated, e-mailed me: "Like I say I'm a pan millenialist - I have faith it will all "pan" out in the end and find no reason to sift through contradictory hints from the Bible. Real answers are not there and Jesus even warned against speculation. Mark 8:12. Don't mean to be brusk, but that is what I think."

I was thinking about Mark 8:12 where Christ asked the pharisees, "Why does this generation seek a sign?" Yes, Keith, I should not look for the signs. Clinton, you are not a sign--see previous post. But, still, the study of Revelation promises a blessing.

Adam, who I have been trying to get to post because he is a pretribulation dispensationalist, e-mailed me "I tried to post but I'm not sure if it went through or not. 'Watch ye therefore and pray always the ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.' (Luke 21:36) Escape what? The tribulation!" He also e-mailed me about a dispensational conference near here that included LaHaye himself--you mean they just keep up these conferences noting the signs? What do they think about Mark 8:12 as Keith noted! Adam, I don't agree with your ideas about the tribulation. But I will keep a watch and keep thinking and reading and praying.

Earl is busy now and Bill is off studying other issues. Since I am the only one posting of late, I will take a break and concentrate on my other blogs. Hopefully someone will pick up the slack. But I am still enjoying the blessings of Revelation.

I preordered a DVD and will post when I view it. “The Late Great Planet Church: The Rise of Dispensationalism”, can be preordered at

Israel in Prophecy or Just in the News This Week?

Chief amillennial spokesman Kim Riddlebarger writes in "A Case for Amillennialism": "Much like modern dispensationalists expect Jesus to reign over the nations in the future millennial kingdom, the Jews expected the Messiah to establish a political kingdom whereby Israel would rule over the Gentile nations. This explains why the Jews rejected Jesus as their Messiah. The New Testament, however, equates Israel's restoration, prophesied in the Old Testament, with Jesus' kingdom--a kingdom not of this world (John 18:26)."

He writes earlier in the book: "Another significant eschatological theme in the Old Testament is the promise that the nation of Israel will be gloriously restored in the distant future. Leading dispensationalists believe these prophecies refer to national Israel even though the authors of the New Testament apply them to the church."

Meanwhile I wonder how dispensationalists this week take Secretary of State Clinton's encouragement of two states for Israel and Palestine.

Still wondering how it will all turn out and grateful for my faith, that is faith, that doesn't have all the answers.

May the Force of Faith be with you

Episode 77: Thank you Obi Wan Kenobi

This week on Radical Grace Pastor Greg LeSieur of Christ Lutheran in Cape Canaveral joins us as we talk about "the Force of Faith" as the Word of Faith preachers have called it. It's amazing to think that people will play so fast and loose with Holy Scripture that they can actively re write the particulars of our faith and create what amounts to a Folk Religion.

To listen to the show you can click on the play button, click on "Windows Media" to open in a new tab, or right click on "get mp3" and choose "save target as" to save to your computer.

The Prosperity Gospel and Word Faith Movement.

This week on Radical Grace Radio, we talk about the Prosperity Gospel and the word faith movement. Here is a link to a 25 page document on the subject.

The Prosperity Gospel in Modern Christianity.