14 ancient calendars have 360 days, including the Roman, the Egyptian and the Jewish. After 701 BC they modified it to match the 365 day year.
701 BC is the longest day when "the Sun stood still" after Joshua's prayer for their battle
Mars is known from mythologies of various peoples of having deep disturbing impact on life on Earth. Today it has no impact whatsoever.
Here is a diagram of possible ancient orbit of Mars, from the video of Chuck Missler http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_-8Wd3PF1I
It should become much bigger than the Moon at the two points of pass-bys, and cause meteorite showers as described in Joshua.
How did God fulfill the prayers and probably moved the planet to its current orbit? Or how were the other planets brought into the solar system (see the previous episode)? Can we assume a much bigger involvement of a highly advanced civilization (call them angels) to arrange the Solar system to be fit for the life on Earth? (for example, we don't have many comets because Jupiter catches them as they come from Oort cloud). This theory if true, puts many current alternative theories in question. Such as Alex Collier's theory of 12 artificial moons including ours brought by the reptilians, compared to the overall engineering of the entire Solar system including those moons. At this point I don't think this new theory rejects Nibiru in Sumerian texts. How would the Bible preacher and former military man (Annapolis academy, guided missiles) know all of that? Is it only conclusions based on the ancient texts or he has his own sources, as all the other insiders have, that now he puts them in service of the Bible? Whatever the source behind that absolutely astonishing new information, it will change the picture of future possible scenarios dramatically, as well as our understanding of our own home - the Solar system, that hasn't progressed much from the time of the first planetary theory of Kant and Laplace. It is not given the same broad platform as the questionable views presented by the young skillful lecturer David Wilcock, but it contains much more valuable informatio than his. Hoagland speaks for example for one artificial satellite - Phobos.
If such a highly advanced civilization on God's service is nearby capable of moving planets, then everything changes. We should build the further scenarios based on it. Michael Salla assumes that the Archangels (called Celestials) who punished the Nephilim before/during the Flood, will do it again in our days. He says that the Celestials are above the all known D-dimensions (7 or 12). This is the only ET researcher so far, who speaks of a direct intervention of higher powers than the known local ET.
See Chuck Missler's lecture for the Nephilim in a previous post.