New Year's Meme

1. What did you do in 2007 that you had never done before?
Began blogging consistently. Let's see if I can continue it! And my husband reminded me of something on his blog ... on our family vacation to the Gulf this past summer my brother paid for my hubby and I to sling shot over the Gulf (the spot is right on the seawall so we could see ocean forever up there once I could open my eyes)! It was an amazing feat, I just don't think it's something I'll ever need to do again!! You can see the video below that our oldest DD shot.

2. Did you keep your New Year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
I don’t make resolutions … therefore I don’t have to worry about keeping them! : )

3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
A friend at church. Baby Max is adorable!

4. Did anyone close to you die?
Mr. Bobby Hill and my cousin, Sgt. Samuel E Kelsey.

5. What countries did you visit?
Countries? I never leave Texas!

6. What would you like to have in 2007 that you lacked in 2006?
A closer relationship with Christ and more money!

7. What dates will remain etched in your memory and why?
October 1st, we moved into our new home! December 13th, my cousin was killed in Iraq.

8. What’s your biggest achievement of the year?
The “success” of the website my daughter and I designed for Christian preteen girls:
Testament Tweens

9. What was your biggest failure?
My lack of staying up-to-date with my website. I spent hours last night updating it … at my daughter’s request.

10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
Nothing more than your ordinary cold and such.

11. What was the best thing you bought?
OK … we had a family discussion on this over lunch. We had trouble coming up with “purchased items”. We “lease” the house, so we technically haven’t bought it. The new swing set, couches in the game room, and other cool new stuff we got FREE off of CL or Freecycle. We obviously don’t spend a lot of anything other than food or bills. The most money we spent seems to be during this Christmas season and you can see the best buys here. Only I think I left off the girl’s new Power Wheels Jeep from CL for $20! The laughter the girls share on it is absolutely PRICELESS though!!

12. Where did most of your money go?
Bills. Rent. FOOD for a family of 6. Nothing luxurious by any means!

13. What did you get really, really excited about?
The new house. We so needed the new “beginnings” accompanied by the new space and so much more!

14. Compared to this time last year are you?
a) Happier or sadder? Happier. We’re better financially than last year at this time. We grow each day in our walk with Christ. We learn every day how to better ourselves as a family “unit".
b) Fatter or thinner? Through all the stress of the move (plus the work involved), a bad situation with our former church, and a new flight of stairs to climb everyday … I am happy to say “thinner”! (Thank you, Jesus)!!
c) Richer or poorer? Richer by a few dollars in money. Richer by leaps and bounds in love.

15. What do you wish you had done more of?
Spent more quality time with my kids.

16. What do you wish you had done less of?
Worrying. I do WAY too much of this.

17. How will you be spending New Year’s Eve?
Funny you should ask … we were just discussing it … due to the vast of amount of “craziness” associated with New Year’s Eve traffic … we'll most likely be celebrating here at home with a game night!

18. Did you fall in love in 2007?
I fall in love every day with my Savior and my family. It’s an everyday choice for me!

19. What was your favorite TV program?
Law & Order … I guess? I don’t watch much TV.

20. Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?
No. I don’t hate anyone.
If anyone says, "I love God," yet hates his brother, he is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen. And he has given us this command: Whoever loves God must also love his brother.
- 1 John 4:20-21

21. What was the best book you read?
Bridge to Terabithia, for our homeschool studies. Currently reading Money, Possessions and Eternity by Randy Alcorn which is pretty eye-opening!

22. What did you want and get?
A new house.

23. What did you want and not get?
A new vehicle. Someday maybe? All in God’s timing I’m sure.

24. What was your favorite film this year?
Hard one. We talked about this collectively as well. I had to break it down some …
Animated: “Happy Feet
Children’s: “Bridge to Terabithia
Comedy: “Little Miss Sunshine
Romantic: “The Lake House

25. What did you do on your birthday and how old were you?
I turned 33. I was at home with the kids like every other day … and, if I remember correctly, I was in tears by the time my hubby got home because of the stress of the day. Nothing special about my birthday.

26. What one thing would have made your year measurably more satisfying?
Just having a “bit more” over that paycheck to paycheck budget. Not looking to be "rich" … just comfortable in our everyday finances.

27. How would you describe your personal fashion in 2007?
Fashion? What’s that? I live in boxers, t-shirts, running pants that button down the sides and sweat shirts! My family HATES it! : )

28. What kept you sane?
My family. My faith in God most importantly … without that I could have never made it through some of 2007.

29. Who did you miss?
I miss my BFF Cathy (I just “found her” last year at this time via MySpace). I miss having “real friends” … not just acquaintances.

30. Who was the best new person you met?
Mike & Stacy … I LOVE this couple.

31. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2007.
Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.Share with God's people who are in need. Practice hospitality.
- Romans 12:11-13
OK ... I only have one person to tag this year:
So, tag Colby, you're it! : )

Livin' Our Love Song

Baby, when I look at you
With your hair falling down in your baby blues
Standing there across the room
I get so lost in the way you move
It makes me reminisce, back to years ago
On a night like this
Teary-eyed, as you took my hand
And I told you I'd be your man
So many thing have come, so many things have gone
One thing that's stayed the same is
Our love's still going strong

Baby just look at us, all this time and we're still in love
Something like this just don't exist between a
Backwoods boy and a fairytale princess
People said it would never work out
But living dreams, we shattered all doubts
Feels good to prove 'em wrong
Livin' our love song

Darling, when you look at me
With my heart beatin' fast, and my shaky knees
It's pretty hard to believe
After all these years, I still need you this badly
You're dancing in my arms
With a spotlight moon and a sea of stars
Oh girl we've come so far
Everything I want is everything that you are
Just wanna lay you down, say I love you
Without a sound
I think you know what I'm talkin' about

Baby just look at us, all this time and we're still in love
Something like this just don't exist between a
Backwoods boy and a fairytale princess
People said it would never work out
But living dreams, we shattered all doubts
Feels good to prove 'em wrong
Livin' our love song.

I absolutely LOVE this song by Jason Michael Carroll! Sometimes it seems that I couldn't possibly love my husband any more than I already do ... but then one glance, one scent, one touch ... whatever it may be ... and I fall in love all over again. The one thing I've retained after all these years from our required "pre-marital counseling" was that you have to wake up everyday and choose to love the person you're with. I wake up each day thanking my God for my husband. He is my everything. We were driving down the road today, talking and laughing about something with the kids and I just felt like it was the first time we laughed together ... all over again. He has a way of taking my breath away as no one or nothing else can. So, I told him I would blog about how much I love him ... but words could never describe the love in my heart for the man in my life!

Top 5 reasons I LOVE this man:
  1. He "shovels" his love for me better than anyone I know!
  2. He can make me smile ... simple enough.
  3. He leads our family with Christ in His heart.
  4. He has taught me how to love.
  5. He knows me, yet he still loves me!
Nevertheless, I know it's a "bit off topic" ... but this is my life as I know it! : )

I thank my God upon every remembrance of you.
- Philippians 1:3

.69 ¢ check

Talk about "generating" more income! We came to my parents to catch a ride to my brother's house (to see my 7 year old nephew before he goes back to his home in Austin) and grabbed our stack of mail. (I still get more mail here than at my own home)! Anyways ... there was a letter from an old electric co-op we haven't used in several years ... like 7 or 8 maybe? So, my husband preceded to open it ... why I'll never know because in most cases he would have just ripped it up and thrown it away ... but, hey ... lo an behold it was a check! For a whole .69¢!! Apparently some sort of class action suit against the company and this is my "cut". WooHoo! I am already seeing that goal come true and we prospering already! : )

*~*Just thought it was funny so I had to share!*~*

Spiritual Sunday: Tough Love

Some time later God tested Abraham. He said to him, "Abraham!" "Here I am," he replied.
- Genesis 22:1
This was the scripture we studied today at church. It was quite a powerful message considering the tests we have prevailed through over the past 16 months (I really should blog about this story at some point). Basically though, we heard about how we must understand that God will test us and that His tests are never easy! Each test requires us to step out and walk in faith. We must whole heartedly trust God to carry us through each and every situation as they arise. Do not be fooled though ... not every trial and tribulation we go through is a test from God. "Sometimes Satan tempts us so that we may fail, whereas God tests us so that we may prevail"! The important thing to factor in is that the tests are always exactly what we need! Whether we want to acknowledge it or not. Even as parents we must show our own kid's "tough love" and it's the same way with our own Heavenly Father. Why does He test us?
  1. He tests us to make our faith mature and complete
  2. He tests us to prepare us for what He is calling us to do
  3. Most importantly, He tests us simply because He loves us
We will see as we walk by faith that blessings will flood our lives. James 1:2-4 proclaims:
Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.

Bathtime Brainstorms

It seems that the only time I can find quiet or a moment to think is when I am in the shower or bath. In fact, the bathroom is my only place of refuge because (#1) I can lock the door and (#2) it seems to be "OK" for mom to go potty alone! : ) Thus, I am able to think clearly and receive TONS of inspirational thoughts while in the shower! I can stay in the bath forever just "listening" to my inner most thoughts ... as well as to God! I can really hear Him speaking to me here as well!

Anyways .. on to one thought I had for the day. Seeing how this is December 29, it's time to not only reflect on the events of this past year ... but to look forward to fresh ventures in the New Year. Therefore, since I'm not one to set resolutions (who really actually keeps these?), I am up to setting "goals" I would like to reach in 2008! With that said, here is my list of goals for the New Year:
  1. Generate more income! My husband is "supposed to" get a raise just after the first of the year ... which may help some depending on the amount. In fact, of it isn't enough we may have to add another goal of finding him a new job! We simply need him to bring home more so that we can get out of the "paycheck to paycheck" we are in now! Also, though, I am hoping (as I do every year) to find a legit, liable way for me to sit here on my booty at home and generate some sort of worthy income. The $2-10 checks I get here and there help out some ... but I'd love to actually bring home a check in the 3 digits! ; )
  2. Improve homeschool. Don't get me wrong ... my kids are learning. I simply want to "do better" on my part. Sometimes I get so obsessed with "finding more income" that I forget to spend time with my kids! Not good! :( So, we just signed my older two up for a "public school online" based out of Houston. They have already received the free computer for doing their work, we are just waiting on all of their curriculum. We're going to try it this next semester and see how it goes? I'm not sure due to the fact that they are starting them as though it's the beginning of the school year, which means they have 4 months of work to catch up on!! Besides, we also attend a teaching co-op on Fridays where my oldest takes several "for credit" classes already which require hours of homework, not to mention, another online school where my son takes most of his core subjects! (I was trying to find a way to make sure they were getting taught the best they could without spending TONS of money on curriculum)! Plus, with them going into Jr High and High School level classes, I wanted to make sure they were being taught on that level (just doubting myself here)! Finally, my 4 year old is pretty durn smart (thanks, Dora) ... but we need to start her on her curriculum this year too (she just turned 4 two weeks ago). Hopefully she'll be reading by the summer if I can stick to making this goal happen!!
  3. More quality family time. Of course, with the newness of the board games we just received for Christmas, we have been spending a lot of time playing games together. The first night it was the new Monopoly until 1am ... this game is really fun and so much easier with the new ATM feature!! Last night it was Scrabble and 10 games of Clue!! My son and I really like the analytical side of this game! We had so much fun playing (we made my husband keep on and on) and played until we were all ready to pass out at 2am today!! My family is actually playing Disney Pictionary on DVD as I blog! . But, overall we need to cooperatively come together like this more often. In "such a big house" we can often get lost in our own little worlds and not be able to find each other for quality time. Although, dinner time at the table is a MUST and always has been. We all eat together at the table and talk about the days events so we can catch up with my husband and vice versa. I LOVE family meal time! Lastly, I would like to find more "date night" availability for my husband and I. With 4 kids, it's often hard to find a babysitter ... especially since my kids are pretty picky about who they'll stay with. So, I'd like to try and get out at least once every two months with just my "king" (remember, I'm the queen)!
  4. Find a second car! This is such a big thing, because even though I don't get out much with the kids ... with the 4:1 ratio it can sometimes be overwhelming for my hypoglycemia and agoraphobic tendencies ... we still need something here during the day for those "just in case" instances. For example, when my youngest gets "really sick" we have no choice but to call Daddy home so we can get her to the doctor. On Fridays we have to borrow a vehicle from my parents so that we can go to our co-op. Also, I miss out of free things on CL and Freecycle because I don't have a way to pick things up "right now" as some people declare! ; )
  5. Stay a family of 6! Don't mistake my heart ... I'd love to have 10 kids ... but our budget simply won't allow for any more!! My husband has been scheduled for a vasectomy 3 times now! The first time, we were told to reschedule by my doctor since we discovered the day before that I was pregnant with our youngest! He wanted us to wait until after she was born ... "just in case"! Then, the 2nd time, there was a question about insurance. The last time, this past October, the doctor's office informed us (at the very last minute) that we probably qualify with our insurance carrier to have THEM pay for the procedure (to keep from paying more maternity bills and adding additional children). So, we have been waiting for 3 months now (since we started asking) for Aetna to send us the forms to fill out! So, this is one of my goals ... to actually "see" this procedure take place ... ASAP!! : )
  6. Most importantly, pour more of our lives into Christ! This is simply listed last, but is the most important thing on the list. We have come to realize more over the past 16 months how much we have simply because of our faith in Him. He has carried us through some pretty rough times, and I'm sure there will be more, but we remain faithful and know that he will see us through.
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
- Matthew 6:33-34
Want to read more resolutions and goals from other Crazy Hip Blog Mamas, click here.

Friday Finances

Someone suggested I blog about our financial budget ... thanks for the topic suggestion by the way ... so I'm going to have to really sit down and think about it. We are awful about keeping a written budget or even a bank register for that matter. We hate seeing how we never have money in the bank! Plus, it's hard to keep a book balanced when we normally have to write the check before we know the money is going to be in the bank! For instance, our rent checks are typically written out and given to our landlord the day before my husband's checks go in the bank! And, of course, that is our biggest expense!

Other than utilities ... which we pay as much as we can each month without having them disconnected ... our next biggest expense is simply food (and toiletries)! With a family of 6, you can imagine that we can put away some grub and go through TONS of toilet paper and such! My oldest two can eat us out of house and home ... they are "growing" kids! My girls all like fruits and veggies, while my lone son is a junk food junkie! We have to regulate snacks around here! We can buy a "special treat" when funds allow ... and it will be gone within a day or two! Basically though, we budget under $100 a week to feed us all. Thus, we eat plenty of pasta (because it goes a long way and is super cheap) and baked chicken (not only is it good for you, but it is also cheaper than red meat and the kids all like it)! The only red meat we eat is hamburger meat ... and that is for casseroles, spaghetti, Hamburger Helper and such. We typically just hit the local Walmart, unless we see a good sale at Kroger or Albertson's that we have coupons to match (when I find the funds to even allow myself to purchase a newspaper ... hence the donation button ... or am lucky enough to get some free ones through CL) and can't pass up! Our biggest food expenses? YOGURT and cereal! My kids (all 5 with my husband included) all love their cereal ... and our 2 year old drinks 5-6 Danimal yogurts a day (or we can substitute plain ol' milk if we're out of yogurt) and our 4 year old enjoys Yoplait Whipped Yogurts (but this is also a meal for them most days ... you know how toddlers can run forever on nothing). So, with the rising costs of milk ... this is where most of our grocery money is allotted!! We are always watching for a good sale on these things!

Gas is, of course as with most, a huge expense considering my husband works 45 minutes from home! Not to mention the toll expenses associated with getting him to and from each month! I keep pleading with him to find a new job closer to home (and with better pay) ... but hopefully that'll be coming within the new year! I never ask how much this expense is ... I don't even wanna know anymore! I can't watch when we have to fill up!! Actually though, we try to fill up before we hit empty ... that way we don't require a small loan in order to gas up every time! I guess that we're fortunate that we only own one car ... that's less gas to worry about!

Speaking of our one vehicle, we bought our last 3 cars with cash. Thus, we have no monthly payments to stress over ... and haven't in 5 years. We still have insurance, but we're plenty over 25, married forever, and only have the one old vehicle ... so insurance isn't too bad! It helps that my brother is an ASE certified mechanic (and a pretty darn good one with a great paying job to prove it ... and my dad isn't too shabby himself)!

Now, how do afford "luxuries" such as cable and cell phones? Simple ... my parents! We split the cost of each with my mom ... and those months we can't afford the bill, she pays and we can catch up when we can! Another one of those "it's all about who you know" things, I guess!

The only other thing left really is clothes. Most of the clothes we obtain are through hand-me-downs from either people we know through church or family of through free listings on CL or Freecycle. If we see a good clearance sale like at JCPenney or Walmart, we find what we can, when we can. Just depends on being at the right place at the right time! My oldest daughter has more clothes than she could ever wear ... simply through hand-me-downs! Also a big plus, my mother is an excellent seamstress and loves playing around with new ideas!

We don't eat out much and don't typically buy impulsively. Well, my husband can be that way ... but I am a bargain shopper and will debate any purchase, no matter how small, for days or weeks! We have only been to the movies 3 or 4 times in the past year and a half ... and even then we wait until it's at the dollar movie (or even better ... 50¢ Tuesdays)! We are normally found just hanging out at home watching TV, playing games, cleaning (my husband's favorite pastime) or simply talking about life together!

Nevertheless, I'll really have to sit down and try to "put on paper" our master plan to blog about how we make it work. Honestly though, it is only be God's grace that we have anything at all ... and He supplies us each day with "just enough."
And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.
- Philippians 4:19

Assembling new furniture

Who would have thought it would take all night to assemble a bed and a bookshelf?! Ugh! We thought it was going to be an easy task ... but we didn't count on the pictures not telling the "whole story". We tackled our son's new loft bed from IKEA first (the one I bought on Black Friday for $12). It would have been simple enough ... except we were almost done with the frame when we realized there were different sizes of hardware we were using ... and the difference was a 4th of an inch, if that much!! So, we had to go back and check every screw we had inserted to find the 6 smaller ones we were missing! OK ... frustrating, to say the least! Then, we discovered that it DID make a difference which "foot stoppers" went in which end. We looked through all the pictures and they showed both types the same way ... so we took a 50/50 chance ... and, of course, guessed the wrong way (I'm awful at 50/50)! So, my husband and I were not talking by the time it was over. I was tired of being blamed for not handing over the right pieces (I was following the pictures the best I could ... AND he conferred with me before starting)! BUT ... even after all that, we got the bed put together and I helped our son put the bedding on ... so now he has a nice new bed with his TV and PS2 set up underneath for his own little "gaming area." And, just coincidently, where is he sleeping you may ask? On the couch in the downstairs living room! His older sister is staying at my sister's and the younger two are on a mattress in my floor as we prepare their room ... so he didn't want to sleep upstairs alone!! *~*SIGH!!*~*

Oh well, my husband also put together a bookshelf my sister snagged at IKEA on Black Friday for next to nothing as well. (We seriously were the first ones to hit the IKEA "as is" section on Black Friday because all of this merchandise was already marked down half of for being "as is", then another half off for Black Friday, and then we each had a $10 off coupon on top of that. So, we left with lots of stuff before we realized we were in a minivan and didn't really have room for it all!! We had to tie down the hatch door and make a drop at my parent's house before we were able to continue our day! It was cool ... yet craziness)!! Anyways ... I came down and watched Shrek the Third for the umpteenth time with our youngest and left him to do that one on his own!! I guess it turned out OK ... he didn't mention any problems! : )

Fortunately, I believe everything else we got this Christmas came already assembled ... other than a few toys ... which we've already put together. Our son has a cool new room that has tons of space now that his bed and gaming center ... including his cool new audio rocker ... have been combined into one!! Aww ... once more ... the joys of a commercialized Christmas!

Looking for 4/2/2 LA to lease to own

How did we find our home on CL you ask? Simple ... I posted an ad with the specific type of home and finance situation we were looking for and actually got a reply!

August 27, 2007:
Looking to rent or(preferably) lease to own a home in the The Colony, Little Elm, Frisco area. Need at least 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, and 2 living areas. No pets ... only kids! Currently paying $1050 for this size home ... budget keeps us paying around $1200. Thank you!

Interested in single family homes ONLY. No apartments please!

This is the original ad I posted on CL to try and find a new home for our family (our old home is pictured on the left). The next day, I received an email from a lady who was putting her home on the market the following day and wanted to know if I was interested in buying before she did. We talked via email for several days. The following week we came out to look at her home ... and decided within the next few days on a lease contract ... and moved in the last weekend of September.

The family that we are currently leasing from was desperate to move into Dallas and out of the town we are in ... to be closer to his new job. They were also in a rush of desperation to move before the new school year started so that their oldest child could start at her new school and not have to change routines into the academic year. Thus, the rush to agree on a lease began ... and we all ended up happy with the current situation! We were able to get a much larger home and an affordable price. Basically, the owners are "eating" the PMI and taxes for the first year to make it affordable for my meek income. Also, they allow us to split the rent up into 2 separate payments based on my husband's paychecks. This was put into effect by our former landlord and it worked much better for us, so we suggested it be allowed this time and they agreed!

What did I learn from the experience? Well, I found that you really never know what you can get unless you ask. I mean, I didn't really think that (#1) I'd receive a response so quickly ... it was clearly a "God thing": I had to post it and she had to read it and (#2) I honestly didn't think we'd find anyone willing to lease a home of this size at a price we could afford to live with! So ... I believe the Bible says it best in John 16:24
Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete.
(Our backyard at the new home)

New look already!

OK ... although I HATE change in my everyday life (I am VERY MUCH a creature of habit) ... I do get tired of looking at the same ol' thing over and over again ... or maybe it's just that I'm always looking for a way to make it look better ... and yet it never meets my standards! I'm so picky about these things! Anyways ... my husband says my last template was disconfigured in IE ... so I had to find a new one that would work in both IE and Firefox ... since I use the latter!

Nevertheless, I was up until after 2am trying to find a new template ... but there just isn't much out there for Blogger like there is Wordpress ... and nothing that was what I was looking for. So, I had to borrow the code from Blog Crowds and simply change the pictures around with my Photoshop CS (which is my favorite computer software ever BTW and NO ... I did not pay even close to full price for it ... are you kidding)! So ... I guess this is what you get ... at least for now!

Don't be surprised if things change around a bit more before I can find something I can "work with" ... or, I dunno, maybe we can work with this one for a while?!

Christmas Slideshow

Christmas Chaos

Whew! Am I glad Christmas is done and over! Don't get me wrong ... I enjoy celebrating the birth of my Saviour ... but the "commercial side" of Christmas is too overwhelming ... especially with 4 kids! We went to bed at 9:30pm Christmas Day ... and I did not get out of bed until 9:45am this morning!! I was more than exhausted after the events of this past weekend!! But ... I do have to be grateful for family ... my parents, my in-laws and my brother and sister ... not to mention the local church that helped us out ... if it wasn't for these guys my kids' "present time" would not be one to "write home about." So ... to each of you ... "Thank you for making my kids' Christmas wishes come true!"

Let's see if I can give you a few highlights from the holiday gift giving season. First off, my favorite Craigslist purchase ... of course ... was a Step 2 LifeStyle Deluxe Kitchen for $100 for my two youngest daughters. I sold their older, smaller one for $90 ... therefore I really only ended up paying $10 for the new kitchen!! Yeah! And, BTW ... they LOVE it! The older one was too small for both of them to play well together ... and, well, even though this one is bigger I guess they still don't play "well" together (the 2 year old doesn't want to share) ... but at least they have the room to play together! : )

Next, we were able to find a great Audio V-Rocker for my son on CL for below half of the retail price. He enjoys getting away from all of his sisters by hiding away in his room and playing his PS2. So, he also got a new loft bed, which I paid $12 for at IKEA, (so we can pass the old one down to the 2 year old) and he'll be able to create a cool area under his bed for playing his video games and such! Oh, and I mustn't forget the Guitar Hero III with 2 guitar controllers we found at a great sale price at Target!! Plus, a fun new game we got our oldest daughter ... Singstar 80's. It's really fun to play!!

Other than that, most of what we got came from my parents. My mom has always gone ALL OUT for Christmas ... even though we've never been able to afford it. My mom is truly one that tries her best to make everyone's Christmas dreams come true ... even though she has 3 kids, 2 son-in-laws, and 10 grandchildren to buy for ... not to mention, my dad. So, some of the many highlights from Christmas with my family was a treadmill (for me, my brother and my sister) ... all purchased through CL (my mom learns quickly), several items for the kids picked up for free ( including a bike for both of my youngest daughters and Star Wars lego sets for my son), a $75 perfect computer system for my nephews (thanks to CL), my husband's Roomba, digital cameras for my daughter, niece and nephew, and a digital camcorder for my brother ... all bought on sale on Black Friday. Seriously, the list goes on and on! Wait ... not to mention ... the best gifts of all ... the ones my dad makes!! This year it was a boat shelf for my son, a TV stand for my nephew, awesome bath wall hangings for my sister and I, and a pool cue shelf for my brother.

Thus, through all the Christmas chaos ... the most important thing of all was the family time! We spent time with my husband's parents on Saturday and then were with my family on Tuesday. Nothing in the world can replace FAMILY!! Not even my husband's Roomba (sorry, Dear)!

A Hero's Farewell

Wow ... we had a busy weekend ... thus the reason I am just able to get back online. I didn't want to go without first writing about the funeral we attended Friday in Troup, Texas for my cousin, Sgt Samuel E Kelsey. It was overwhelming, to say the least!

When we arrived, we walked in through a line of Patriot Guard riders standing in silence holding flags in honor of our fallen soldier. Once inside a standing room only filled church, we heard from not only the pastor, but a US Congressman and an Army Official (I apologize that I didn't get names ... it was a bit emotional). The military pallbearers were amazing to watch as they marched in their formation. We filed out into our LONG LINE of cars and proceeded to the cemetery. As we left the church and turned onto the "main highway" through town, we were welcomed by what must of been the entire town, showing their respect as they lined the streets in silence. Many held small flags, took off their hats, held their hands over their hearts and wiped away tears as we made our way to Sam's final resting place. It filled our hearts to see the outpour of support for Sam.

Once we arrived at the cemetery, there was the Patriot Guard awaiting our arrival ... again standing in silence in honor of Sam. The casket was marched in and everyone watched in silence as the 21 gun salute was performed and Taps was played. The pallbearers then began folding the flag draped on Sam's casket and presented it to his mom. One last good-bye and then his body was laid to rest. Sam died a hero ... he went back to assist another soldier when he lost his own life ... and he was truly given a Hero's Farewell. The resounding theme of the funeral was simply this: "Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." - John 15:13

Here is the local TV report:
East Texans Come Together Over Troup Soldier's Death

As the church bell tolls and among a sea of patriotic flags, hundreds of East Texans come to say goodbye to their hero. U.S. Congressman Louie Gohmert was among those paying their respects.

"God gave a gift to Troup Texas, and to this country and to the world," said Congressman Gohmert.

Finding a little strength, Sam's mother said her only child was her greatest gift.

"I've never loved anyone in my life like I loved my son, my every breath, completely filling my heart and my soul."

Friday, the U.S. Army presented the Kelsey family with several medals, including the purple heart for his bravery. Sam Kelsey died trying to save another friend and fellow soldier.

"Sergeant Sam Kelsey, my baby boy to me, had compassion, love, loyalty, and a special passion for life," said Denina Kelsey.

"The world is a better place for him having been in it and we will always honor and revere his memory," said Congressman Gohmert.

It was with full military honors that Sergeant Kelsey was laid to rest in his hometown of Troup.

"This is a sad time for all of us," said Bill Watkins, Ride Captain with the Patriot Guard Riders of Texas.

Patriot Guard riders stand out of respect and observance of his sacrifice.

"The military's just not a job you go to without hazards," said Watkins. "They put themselves in harms way and it brings everybody together."

A cherished son, valiant soldier and friend, and forever a hero.

"Live with him, smile for him, he will walk with us every day," said Denina Kelsey.

Courtney Lane, Reporting

Just happened upon this ...

Simply had to share!! Read the post here. FREE stuff involved!!

Road Trip

It's amazing how much stuff is required for a "simple" 3 hour road trip! Not that a road trip is simple, especially when traveling with two toddlers! Actually, we'll have 3 toddlers ... but I only have to "prepare" for two! So, extra clothes for everyone, 2 sets for my 2 year old. Different pairs of shoes for after the funeral to go with each set of play clothes, jackets for early morning and evening hours, DVD player and movies to, hopefully, insure a more pleasurable ride with the 2 year old, camera for pictures of family we haven't seen in a while, snacks, drinks ... etc. Seems like we'll be there for days! But, I always seem to be "over prepared" ... which I believe is a good trait with 4 kids! : )

I've prepared my kids for this "full military style" funeral tomorrow. I'm not even sure what to expect ... but I've told them about what we were told. For example, the Patriot Guard will be standing guard outside the church to help keep the protesters back! How crazy is that? I don't exactly agree with all of this either ... but we're mourning the loss of someone we loved ... should we have to contend with protesters too? Craziness!

Well, it's after Midnight and I'm still sitting up with my youngest. She had a late nap and doesn't want to go to sleep now! Of course ... since we have to get up early in the morning to get on the road!! She'll just sleep the whole way down ... thus defeating the purpose of packing the DVD player and such. It'll make for a peaceful ride, although that means she won't sleep through the funeral ... which would be even better! BTW ... I would LOVE to not have to take my kids to the funeral altogether ... but I don't have anyone to leave them with all day! It, unfortunately isn't their first, I'm just not too sure what to expect at this one?! I guess we'll see!!

Well, we're off to watch "Napoleon Dynamite". She loves the "corny adult-type"movies ... meaning not cartoons?! Not sure why?! Usually we have to watch Little Miss Sunshine" or just "Sunshine" as she calls it ... so this is a "nice change." I know "Sunshine" doesn't have the best language, by any means, but she LOVES it?! Luckily for us, she hasn't repeated any of the foul language!! : ) It really is a great movie though!

Until my next opportunity to blog ...

The Adventures of Colby: Moment of Silence

The Adventures of Colby: Moment of Silence
My husband was nice enough to post this for my cousin ... so thought I'd share it on here! I know I wrote about it as well today ... but I still figured it was nice of him to take a"moment of silence" on his blog for my cousin. What a sweetie! : )

Random thoughts of the day

Well, I didn't get to post yesterday because my mom came and whisked us away to the mall. She does that when she has a day off ... picks us up and gets us out of the house. The kids enjoy the time out ... I enjoy the adult interaction.

I'm torn about what I should post about today ... one of the 10 resources I listed ... or simply what's going on in our life. My husband asked what I'll blog about each day ... considering the title of the blog ... but seems to me it's not just about the resources, but how we live day to day ... as a family of 6 on $26,000 a year.

Maybe I should mention that we live in Texas. I realize that in some parts of the country, i.e. California or Florida, etc, we would already be living in poverty! Just knowing the prices of homes in some areas of the country ... I don't think we could afford living most anywhere else as well as we can here. We actually have a nice home, almost 3,000 sq ft, 4 bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, 3 living areas, 2 dining areas and, most importantly, a HUGE backyard. We actually just moved in this past October ... found the house through an ad I placed on Craigslist, of course! The best part is it only cost us a hundred or so more than the home we just moved from that was only 1,870 sq ft with 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. So, it's quite a step up for us!

What else is going on? Well, last Thursday, December 13, we received news that one of my cousins was killed in Iraq by an "improvised explosive device." He was 24 years old and going back to save another man who had already been injured by one ... Sam dies the other man survived. His name is Sgt Samuel E Kelsey ... and I've started a website in his honor (and those of other fallen soldiers) here. Everyone has their opinion on the war ... and even though I can't stand the fighting ... it has nothing to do with the human life lost over there. We are burying him tomorrow in his small East Texas hometown in full military style. Not sure if we'll be able to get into the church since it'll take us a while to travel and they are expecting 100's of people, but we'll be there anyways! They wanted to hold the funeral at the coliseum, but were unsure on how to get his casket and 8 military pall bearers through the mourners. OK ... anyways ... that has simply consumed me for the past week. Had to get it out there!

Well, I guess I don't really have much more right now. As I go about my crazy day I may think of something "real" to blog about ... but until then ... later!

List of Resources ... for now

Well, I can't sleep. Insomnia has always been a huge problem for me ... especially when I have a "project" I'm working on ... such as this blog! So, I decided to go ahead and post my resource list now ... and will probably blog more "later on" today!

So, here is my list of the "Top 10 Ways we Support our Family of 6 on $26K/Yr" (in no particular order):
  1. Coupons (simple enough)
  2. Craigslist (my favorite resource of all)
  3. Freecycle (great things to be had here)
  4. Recycle (I'm a pack rat)
  5. Survey Sites (surveys, contests and more ... no CC required trial offers though)
  6. Bargain Shop (thrift stores, clearance or sales racks for clothes only)
  7. Freelance jobs (web design, post & sell for others, etc)
  8. Affiliate Marketing (more details to come)
  9. CafePress and Zazzle (I love DIY sites such as these)
  10. People I Know! (Mom -> seamstress, Dad -> carpenter, Brother -> mechanic, Sister -> medical assistant, Bro-in-law -> Auto Body, the list goes on ... this is just my immediate family)
Well, that's what I have for now. I'll come and post about each one in various posts through out my blogging journey. Until later, good night! :)

Christmas ... and a bit about us

Figured I should share a bit about us as a family! I know I mentioned having 4 kids ... but here are some "details" to that fact. We do have 4 kids, 3 daughters and one lonely son! We homeschool, so that means I am with my kids pretty much 24/7! Our daughters are 2, 4 and 12 years old ... and all three try to run the house! I have to remind them that even though they are little "princesses" ... Mom is still the QUEEN!! My son is 10 years old ... and I really couldn't ask for a better son. He's not one of those "bouncing off the wall" boys, which I am SO GLAD of!! Of course, he's not perfect, but he's close enough for me ... and, did I mention, he's a total "Momma's Boy"! : )

My husband and I have been married for 13 1/2 years ... been together for 16 1/2 years. We met when I was 16 and he was 15 years old. Yes, we are in that 2% of high school sweethearts that actually get married ... and stay married for that matter! Not to say we haven't had some rough times ... we were separated for a while ... but God has restored our marriage and we are more in love than ever! You can read my husband's "pointless" blog (his words, not mine) here! ;)

Our main focus in life in Christ! We are a Christian family with strong moral values. We believe in giving God the glory for all that we have, accomplish and will do now and in the future. He is our reason for everything! Which brings me to the current "reason for the season": Christmas!

Christmas is particularly hard for us ... because we have no savings (it's almost impossible to save even a few bucks here and there through the year without needing it for an emergency sooner than Christmas), no credit cards, and, of course, no cash on hand! So, this year, just like last year, our kids Christmas gifts will be provided by a local church (we actually attended the church until for over 5 years until October of this year when we decided it was time to change ... long story). We have been able to purchase one or two small gifts for each of our kids (through money obtained by selling on CL) ... and the rest of our kids presents will be delivered Christmas morning by Santa and his elves driving a U-haul truck! Last year my husband and I were completely overcome with emotion (times were much harder than this year) ... and I'm sure it will be the same emotion filled reception this year. That Santa and his elves have such BIG hearts! It's awesome!

Well, I guess I've gone on enough for now. Simply wanted to share a bit more before I got into my resource list that I will try to get posted tomorrow (if not sooner).

How do they do that?

We are frequently asked how we are able to manage a family of 6 on my husband's meek income alone. Seriously, we have 4 growing kids ... three of them daughters ... with the oldest one about to enter into the "teenage realm" within the next year! She likes to throw out names like "Aer*p*stale, Abercr*mbie, etc" ... which are WAY out of our league ... and we've never even stepped foot into! She may have one or two pieces of clothing from there ... all hand me downs! So, how do we manage to keep them clothed, fed, sheltered ... blah, blah, blah? It's not easy! We struggle paycheck to paycheck ... yet when you look at our home and our children ... you wouldn't really know. Why?

Well, that's the purpose of this blog. I sat one day and started listing all the resources I have to combine in order to keep our family going. Things like Craigslist (of which I am a HUGE addict), eBay (although we seldom use because I like the free of Craigslist), and something simple as coupons. I have to look at our situation myself and try to see how we can manage our finances better here or there in order to afford brakes for our van, clothes for the new season, a birthday party ... anything that doesn't fall into our everyday list of financial needs.

Thus, join my journey with me as I sort through it all. PLEASE feel free to offer assistance or point me in the direction of even more money saving tips, ideas, suggestions, etc. We are always looking for more and more resources. My daughter may never have brand new, non-clearance priced Limi*ed T** jeans ... but at least she will look dazzling in her self-embellished Target brand ones! : )

Thank you for signing up.

The following song was actually written in 1989. I wrote it after a number of my family had passed away, and after a period of time where I was not sure about this world I was living in. I had read the Poem "Crossing the bar", liked it well enough, so I wrote a tune to go with the poem. But after I was done, I felt like there was something missing...

Fast forward to 2003, I purchased a program called "mixcraft", and realizing that is was extremely powerful I began working on a number of my old songs I'd written during that period. When I came to "Crossing the Bar" again, I wrote a second verse to the song, one that finally filled in the missing piece.

Here are the Lyrics...

Sunset and an evening star, and one clear call for me!And may there be no moaning of the bar, when I put out to sea,
For such a tide as moving seems asleep, too full for sound and foam,
When that which drew from out the boundless deep turns again home.

Twilight and evening bell and after that the dark!
And may there be no sadness of farewell when I embark;

For tho' from out our bourne of time and place the flood may bear me far,
I hope to see my Pilot face to face when I have crossed the bar.

Sunrise and the morning star, and I have heard the call!
And now I go to lay me down to rest in he who paid it all
For such a time I hear the voice of God and all that he's declared
The finest news to those in chains and hardened hearts impaired

Twilight and morning breeze, O what a wonderous sight!
The Son of Man, the Lamb of God: My only light

For tho' from out our bourne of time and place the flood may bear me far,
I KNOW I'll see my pilot face to face when I have crossed the bar.

Long feed archive

Book of the month

This months Book of the Month is Pastor Peter Kurowski's The Everlasting Angel and Mountain of Fire. In the book, theology concerning the Angel of the Lord is explored in detail in an entertaining and eye-opening way. The story Begins on Mt. Moriah, with Abraham about Sacrifice his son, Isaac, and slowly throughout the book the "Everlasting Angel" is revealed to be none other than the Pre-incarnate Christ!

We have Copies of this Book available and we are giving them as a thankyou to anyone who donates Fifty Dollars or more to help us on Radical Grace continue to spead the word of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. If you'd like to make a donation, call us at 321-984-8987 or write us at Risen Savior Lutheran Church, 2220 Port Malabar Blvd, NE, Palm Bay, Florida, 32905.

Associate Blogs

Tear Down the High Places

The official Blog for Matthew Pancake, co-host and producer of Radical Grace Radio.

A Cloud of Witnesses

The official Blog for Pastor Gary Held, co-host of Radical Grace Radio

Babylon Falling

"Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the great! Rev. 14:8" Reverand Jonathan Fisk's Blog about culture, religion and Christ.

Grace Notes

Topics and subjects from around the world, Christianity and Culture.

This Week's Show

Unconditional Grace

What’s so amazing about grace? When we read about where Salvation comes from Ephesians 3 reads this way… “For it is by Grace you have been saved through faith, and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God. Not by works, so that no one can boast”. If we read this passage in Ephesians honestly we begin to realize that Salvation is a gift that has no conditions attached to it. This understanding of God’s grace messes everything up in an amazing way. Where we want salvation to be about us, God says it’s about him. Where we think we earn salvation by our own works, God says it’s a gift, even if it’s as simple as us believe that our decision to accept Jesus is what makes God respond. Throughout the centuries people have objected to this teaching saying that if Grace is free, it will lead people to be morally bankrupt and spiritually lazy. Nevertheless, Scripture says it’s free.

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