Bathtime Brainstorms

It seems that the only time I can find quiet or a moment to think is when I am in the shower or bath. In fact, the bathroom is my only place of refuge because (#1) I can lock the door and (#2) it seems to be "OK" for mom to go potty alone! : ) Thus, I am able to think clearly and receive TONS of inspirational thoughts while in the shower! I can stay in the bath forever just "listening" to my inner most thoughts ... as well as to God! I can really hear Him speaking to me here as well!

Anyways .. on to one thought I had for the day. Seeing how this is December 29, it's time to not only reflect on the events of this past year ... but to look forward to fresh ventures in the New Year. Therefore, since I'm not one to set resolutions (who really actually keeps these?), I am up to setting "goals" I would like to reach in 2008! With that said, here is my list of goals for the New Year:
  1. Generate more income! My husband is "supposed to" get a raise just after the first of the year ... which may help some depending on the amount. In fact, of it isn't enough we may have to add another goal of finding him a new job! We simply need him to bring home more so that we can get out of the "paycheck to paycheck" we are in now! Also, though, I am hoping (as I do every year) to find a legit, liable way for me to sit here on my booty at home and generate some sort of worthy income. The $2-10 checks I get here and there help out some ... but I'd love to actually bring home a check in the 3 digits! ; )
  2. Improve homeschool. Don't get me wrong ... my kids are learning. I simply want to "do better" on my part. Sometimes I get so obsessed with "finding more income" that I forget to spend time with my kids! Not good! :( So, we just signed my older two up for a "public school online" based out of Houston. They have already received the free computer for doing their work, we are just waiting on all of their curriculum. We're going to try it this next semester and see how it goes? I'm not sure due to the fact that they are starting them as though it's the beginning of the school year, which means they have 4 months of work to catch up on!! Besides, we also attend a teaching co-op on Fridays where my oldest takes several "for credit" classes already which require hours of homework, not to mention, another online school where my son takes most of his core subjects! (I was trying to find a way to make sure they were getting taught the best they could without spending TONS of money on curriculum)! Plus, with them going into Jr High and High School level classes, I wanted to make sure they were being taught on that level (just doubting myself here)! Finally, my 4 year old is pretty durn smart (thanks, Dora) ... but we need to start her on her curriculum this year too (she just turned 4 two weeks ago). Hopefully she'll be reading by the summer if I can stick to making this goal happen!!
  3. More quality family time. Of course, with the newness of the board games we just received for Christmas, we have been spending a lot of time playing games together. The first night it was the new Monopoly until 1am ... this game is really fun and so much easier with the new ATM feature!! Last night it was Scrabble and 10 games of Clue!! My son and I really like the analytical side of this game! We had so much fun playing (we made my husband keep on and on) and played until we were all ready to pass out at 2am today!! My family is actually playing Disney Pictionary on DVD as I blog! . But, overall we need to cooperatively come together like this more often. In "such a big house" we can often get lost in our own little worlds and not be able to find each other for quality time. Although, dinner time at the table is a MUST and always has been. We all eat together at the table and talk about the days events so we can catch up with my husband and vice versa. I LOVE family meal time! Lastly, I would like to find more "date night" availability for my husband and I. With 4 kids, it's often hard to find a babysitter ... especially since my kids are pretty picky about who they'll stay with. So, I'd like to try and get out at least once every two months with just my "king" (remember, I'm the queen)!
  4. Find a second car! This is such a big thing, because even though I don't get out much with the kids ... with the 4:1 ratio it can sometimes be overwhelming for my hypoglycemia and agoraphobic tendencies ... we still need something here during the day for those "just in case" instances. For example, when my youngest gets "really sick" we have no choice but to call Daddy home so we can get her to the doctor. On Fridays we have to borrow a vehicle from my parents so that we can go to our co-op. Also, I miss out of free things on CL and Freecycle because I don't have a way to pick things up "right now" as some people declare! ; )
  5. Stay a family of 6! Don't mistake my heart ... I'd love to have 10 kids ... but our budget simply won't allow for any more!! My husband has been scheduled for a vasectomy 3 times now! The first time, we were told to reschedule by my doctor since we discovered the day before that I was pregnant with our youngest! He wanted us to wait until after she was born ... "just in case"! Then, the 2nd time, there was a question about insurance. The last time, this past October, the doctor's office informed us (at the very last minute) that we probably qualify with our insurance carrier to have THEM pay for the procedure (to keep from paying more maternity bills and adding additional children). So, we have been waiting for 3 months now (since we started asking) for Aetna to send us the forms to fill out! So, this is one of my goals ... to actually "see" this procedure take place ... ASAP!! : )
  6. Most importantly, pour more of our lives into Christ! This is simply listed last, but is the most important thing on the list. We have come to realize more over the past 16 months how much we have simply because of our faith in Him. He has carried us through some pretty rough times, and I'm sure there will be more, but we remain faithful and know that he will see us through.
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
- Matthew 6:33-34
Want to read more resolutions and goals from other Crazy Hip Blog Mamas, click here.