UFO in Elista, capital of Kalmykia, reported fairly well. Comments on ET scenarios

one in the form of two counter-rotating discs, the other comet-like similar to Hangzhou airpoirt UFO

RT official version - anyway they give the original videos

Kalmykia president is one of the few who have been on board of ET ship

Kalmykia TV report - you can see the sincerity of the local people

Are the UFOs appearing in Russia skies in Dec. 2010 Fulham’s predicted UFO wave? A.Webre

Other Russian TV channels broadcast the same video. We may see the effect of the Pyramid over Kremlin, when the first youtube videos were sucessfully advertised by the TV then back to youtube with millions of viewers, then back to TV that reported the N1 in Russia youtube. No matter the pyramid was filmed before 2006 when Hotel Rossiya visible on the daylight video, was demolished.


It would be good if the American TV channels give the same attention to the much more numerous UFO over USA, and if an American governor, equal in rank to the president of autonomous Kalmykia (or governor), is taken on the ship and then tell us that on the TV. How about the California governor, the Terminator, wasn't he on Mars as in his movie "Total Recall"? Let he take the lead, or someone like him. If Obama is unsuccessful as president before entering in 2012 Alice bunker, we don't want to fail with his failed promises. It will be catastrophic. Perhaps there are many Americans in positions who also don't want to fall in the trap. Will they assure their tickets in the spaceships of the benevolent ET, or after blinding all of us for 60+ years, will they finally be deluded themselves, that they will be taken if keeping silence? Taken by whom - by the Grey may be? Or by the Draconians on Mars?

We will go with the benevolent ET even if they come from Russia. In fact they come from Russia, the opposite side of the Grey. Actually, we don't need Schwarzenegger's words - he needs us, so to speak. He and others need to prove they are on the benevolent side. Obama proved he is not, with his lack of action that brought him the Nobel prize. The spiral couldn't make him speak either. It would be good for Hilary instead of resigning, to explain to the 6.7 bln people what they are supposed to do when the elite enter into the bunkers, or go to the spaceships bound to Zeta Reticuli, Procyon or elsewhere controlled by the negatives? 2012 movie story won't repeat in reality where only the richest on the planet were saved.

The Revelation speaks otherwise. Neither will Babylon the Harlot escape, nor will the Beast that is coming. But everyone on his order. There is still a very limited time, days may be, for switching sides. The big choice will come after the First rapture/space rescue, and the following Great Warning. Babylon will be fallen by that time, with the 3 angels announcing their messages (Revelation 14). No one will have an excuse he didn't know. Even less those in power. They could help the billions of people, and they will be held accountable if they do not help. Together with their alien protectors, no matter who they are. In the past we wrote of such scenarios, and now is the time to repeat them: the victorious benevolent ET leaded by archangel Michael will win that war in heaven/space, and will find the elite even if they succeed to escape through the stargates somewhere else in the Universe.

Do you understand that? There won't be anymore Alpha Draconis hub, or Zeta Reticuli, or Procyon, they will all be liberated by Archangel Michael's army that may include unlimited number of far more advanced ET from the billions of galaxies. It is clearly said in Revelation 12. The rest of negative or regressive ET will be brought on Earth for the final battle Armageddon. The elite that chooses wrong that blinds us now, will find themselves on the wrong side on Armageddon.

We don't know how many years are left, because time line changes may be used. The blinded humanity may prefer to go to an Earth from the dinosaur era together with the dinosaur like ET or to a fake "future" era together with the Transformers. The really devote people will choose not to go thru these stargates controlled by the Beast and his ET supporters. The devote people who did not enter the rescue ships, will hide in refuges instead, waiting for the Chastisement on the current earth timeline. We suggest it is in 2012. We don't know whether there will be additional rescue ships from the refuges, it could be so. We know the refuges should be made available after the Great Warning, and those who are still on Earth will do better to search for them. At least all of you could find the nearest apparition site. It is wise such an approach because the Great Miracle is promised in apparition site(s). The Great Miracle, or the Great Sign, could be the third rescue in the form of stargates.Unfortunately, in that moment the "ET disclosure" may take place, representing the evil aliens as good, and the good ET who just accomplished the initial rescue - as evil abductors.

2012 is neither the end of the earth nor the Second coming. As you notice, it is not even the end of those fools who will follow the beast out of 2012-timeline. You may believe it or not. We don't have full years of antichrist kingdom on earth, if 2012 is what is said to be. If it is not, those who lied us will find themselves in a pretty bad fix in 2013. New revolutions will follow, as they already are ripen. So we suggest the elite told us that portion of the truth regarding the planet on its current orbit -timeline, to have an excuse for their next actions. They are evil, but they are not that stupid. Let us also be smart Knowing all of that, it is better for the faithful (regardless of the church), and especially for those who have websites and other communications, to prepare.