NASA Buzzroom taken down after post reveals new Comet Elenin trajectory at only 37182 miles from Earth

NASA Buzzroom taken down after post reveals new Comet Elenin trajectory
NASA takes down buzzroom after too much revealed about Comet Elenin trajectory.

It was revised from the original .24 AU to .0004AU.

.0004AU = 37182.33 miles

This is extremely CLOSE!

For comparison, the geostationary orbit is at 22,236 mi.

If there is already such a big deviation of the comet that still hasn't reached its nearest path to the sun when changes are most likely to occur, that means the comet may well hit the Earth directly, or passes close enough to affect us in unprecedented way. A comet is not the same as a small asteroid that can pass with no effect.
NASA buzzroom video already warned us (see the sidebar). 

So prepare! Hopefully the Rapture is before that! And I am afraid the WW3 will be before that too, for obvious reasons - no one will make WW3 under the comet rain. If there will be WW3 it will be before September.