If it is natural, there should be the slightest indication it is coming, even if it will shift in some 3 days. There should be a comet, or much bigger disruption of magnetic field or magnetic pole shift. Here is a video that explains.some things. And how would someone know the exact the date?
If it is Illuminati-made for any reason, as conspiracy theories speak about, let me guess the superpowers won't stay to see what will happen first before they react, if they have the slightest intelligence information in advance. Let alone if it is announced publicly on a popular radio show :) If there will be millions dead, imagine that some powers that will be heavily affected, wouldn't want that to happen and will do everything to prevent a man-made pole shift, even with the risk to start WW3. So the expectations of Pole Shift based on a telephone call to AJ show, could be correct ONLY IF we see any of these signs. Signs of the Time - how couldn't we discern them? For example, if Egypt crisis goes out of Egypt borders and becomes Middle East crisis, that would make us think the likelihood of a major international crisis is much higher than before. If a surprise disruption of the electronics occurs we might find the explanation in the magnetic pole shift or other disruption, and therefore to expect the physical pole shift too. If your car stops suddenly without any cause, and you see other cars stopping on the road, then it means EMP either man-made or natural from the sun. Assume the worse and hide somewhere even if it is inside the car. Because an EMP could be the forerunner of a nuclear attack. OK there might be no nuclear attack, depending on combination of other factors, but we would not know, yes?
If someone would like to make a man-made pole shift, I suggest someone else would like to stop him. A nuclear attack will be surprise by definition, because that is the purpose for such. No one would tell the opposite side, hey by the way we will make a small nuclear attack tomorrow to fight terrorists on your territory, we warn you! So watch the signs very carefully, especially in this month when we have something unusual in Middle East and something unusual in the birds - i.e. in the magnetic field..The theory it is HAARP is no less troubling.