The true Third Secret of Fatima, according to Duke

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The true Third Secret of Fatima
Duke Putalangit, Philippines
The Third Secret of Fatima
March 29, 2010
The [true] THIRD SECRET of Fatima is composed of TWO PARTS.
One part concerns a DOGMA OF FAITH and the other concerns the chastisement in the form of a PERSONAL STRUGGLE between the LAST POPE [Peter II] and the TRUE ANTICHRIST [person].
POPE BENEDICT XVI WILL REVEAL THE PART WHICH IS THE DOGMA OF FAITH and will leave to his SUCCESSOR the OTHER HALF which concerns the struggle between Last Pope and the True Antichrist.
BOTH PARTS OF THE SECRET WILL CAUSE A GREAT SCHISM IN THE CHURCH, but are in reality the FINAL TRUTHS that will bring the Catholic Church to Perfection.
NOTE of the EDITOR: Most probable the Dogma concerned is that of Our Lady, the Holy Virgin Mary, being Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix of All Graces, and Advocata Nostra.
When The Holy Father Moves, The Devil Strikes
March 26, 2010
The Holy Father has changed his heart and plans to obey.
But the curse brought by the DISOBEDIENCE of several Popes, of himself, and his predecessors [to announce this Secret publicly], must first be paid.
The Pope has paid dearly every time he moves towards Our Lady's favor, this time, knowing that their time is up, they will IGNITE THE WAR before he gets there [to pronounce the Dogma].
The Pope should NOT dare travel anymore, but instead stay in Rome and do the CONSECRATION (of Russia] as instructed at Fatima.
This act will NOT prevent the War anymore, but it will win the war in favor of the Church.
And when the violence has erupted, NEITHER should he go to Russia to resolve the crisis in a purely human way.
But rather, the Pope should again stay in Rome and turn his back to the World and PROSTRATE BEFORE THE EUCHARIST, only through this will he destroy all his enemies and bring true peace to mankind.
There is NO OTHER SOLUTION OTHER THAN THE CONSECRATION OF RUSSIA and anything less is a mockery of Divine Will.
The Chastisement (War)
March 25, 2010
The Chastisement (WAR), which shall AT FIRST ERUPT IN THE MIDDLE EAST [Israel, Syria] will take THIRTEEN DAYS to reach AMERICA, THIRTEEN WEEKS to reach ITALY [revolution].
After these, it shall cover the whole world in just thirteen seconds.
In October 2010 the Church Will Mourn
March 24, 2010
IN OCTOBER 2010 THE CHURCH WILL MOURN [because of the death of the Pope ???]
She will be freed, but so will she be made to WANDER for a period of time until the wrath of heaven is over [She will be without true Pope for some time].
Then shall arrive the Last Pope [Peter II] who shall lead Her to the RIGHT PATH, until the coming of the [reign of the] True Antichrist [person] who shall dismantle everything until he himself is conquered.
NOTE of the Editor: Use your discernment in judging dates.