Jesus to Mary Jane Evan
You will also notice a great bottoming-out in the stock market and a real financial panic. The ups and downs of the financial community will be evident. At the same time talk of wars and retaliation shall be in the news. A much larger media story will be the approach of the comet and speculation on how big it is, where it will hit the Earth and the problems caused due to its collision with the Earth.
That then describes as complete a series of signs that Heaven desires you to have. They are multiple. If you miss one sign, you have another as backup. We want you all very aware that this great event will take place, and its purpose. Knowledge of the event will help save souls and the desired result of this event more achievable.
Now let Us discuss what you will do following the Great Warning. The way I see it there shall be massive loss of homes, property and lives. People will be clamouring to find a Church, a Priest and Catholics to teach them the faith. There shall be many with no homes or possessions; many who are sick and suffering illnesses - some new and unexplained - and some caused by nuclear fallout. There will be vast areas which have fallen into earthquake fissures or sinkholes, and while the news is on the airways, all the talk is about hospitals, Red Cross, government support to rebuild. This is typical in disasters, but there will be an exception to the usual plan. The exception will be that there are few people to help, and the Insurance Companies will not have the funds to help rebuild homes.
There will be discussions of bug infestations and loss of crops, high prices of food and lack of good water - but in every way people will be helping each other in charity, because the news media will be is forecasting a great cold which is the aftermath of the comet. You and your family will need to regroup, to assess the damage and determine where you stand:
- Is there work to return to?
- Will the schools reopen?
- Is anyone ill?
- Has the house been damaged?
- Do you still have a car or gas? [gasoline?]
- Do you have enough food, and where can you find some?
These and other questions shall occupy your time. Of all these questions and problems, you also will want to visit a Church, to seek Confession; try to help with new converts. You will need to see if you can get there. Do you have a bike or horse? Can you hire these? Are you prepared for the next event?
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