Duke believes the Libyan conflict will move to Israel, with Russian involvement

Unexpectedly, the African and Middle East crisis will all culminate in Israel. As soon as Russia shows its might the countdown to World War III begins. Keep an eye on Russia. Pray much, for the coming war has been designed from above to show for all men that Divine Providence rules, not human designs. Everything will be shown to fail but prayer.


If he reads this blog, I'd like to ask him: where should Russia turn to, to be converted to God - to the West or to Vatican, that according to Duke will be the seat of the Antichrist? Is the West the most God-fearing region, or in contrary the least God-fearing region on Earth?

The ET presence on Earth should not be denied anymore. Let see the picture in that light. Russia is the only one to be capable to withstand the negative aliens, some of which are  already allied with the West: Draconians and other reptilians, Grey, most likely also the Transformers. Here it is not only about US-Grey  treaty, it is about the signs of Reptilian involvement in Britain. vatican is involved silently in everything in the ET area.  I don't say they collaborate the way the political powers do, but they are aware of all ET civilizations. Perhaps the Antichrist when taking the pope's seat will make the wrong choice of promoting the worst among the ET as "our brothers".

I don't know how Russia obtained the wormhole technology and who rides the pyramids in its skies and in China, but these hi-tech alien means not possessed by the West are the only ones to stop the coming alien invasion. And it is imminent according to Revelation 12,  after the raptures carried out by God-serving ET and Angels. If this is the conversion of Russia to God and not to His enemy  - i.e.  to protect a part of the Earth from the Beast, instead of turning towards the delusion offered by the Beast and in fact accepting it,  then I accept Duke's testimony in that way. Not a conversion towards the one world religion and NWO that will be either imposed or supported by Rome, that is confirmed also by La Salette prophecies of Our Lady about the Antichrist who will rule from Rome (the political figure known as Antichrist may rule from the ancient city, as well as the religious figure known as the false prophet). One cannot serve two masters, says Our Lord Jesus Christ.