while the world watched at japan nuclear disaster, Saudi Arabia invaded Bahrain

Saudi Arabia emerges as key policeman in region http://english.pravda.ru/news/world/14-03-2011/117187-0/

Saudi Arabia has moved decisively to bolster Bahrain's embattled royal family, sending military forces across the causeway linking the two kingdoms after violent weekend pro-democracy protests by Shia demonstrators all but overwhelmed police.

Although the deployment on Monday was at Bahrain's request and came under the guise of the Gulf Co-operation Council, whose other members also sent troops, it marked another stage in Saudi Arabia's reluctant emergence as the key regional policeman, 

Bahrain is the home of US fleet in the Gulf. It is unlikely that USA will react the way it reacted when Saddam moved into Kuwait. Saudi is a "friend" despite it grows increasingly independent and reluctant to make any change in the absolute monarchy system. Is it possible the new leaders there (the king is too ill to be effective ruler) to review their long term alliance with USA? Everything is possible, shows the recent history. Saddam was a friend of the West too, if not of USA then of France who built its nuclear reactor, destroyed by Israel. Iran was again the enemy, and everyone who was against Iran was a friend. Will the history repeat itself? 

Turkey is another example how a staunch ally in the Cold War, one that caused the Caribbean crisis by allowing US missiles on its territory, can turn 180 degrees and find its relations with Iran more important than those of the NATO big brother USA. Turkey is a country with stored 90 American thermonuclear bombs. What happens to them should Turkey change its mind dramatically in case of a Middle Eastern war? Are they protected only by electronic codes, as we see on movies how easily are breached by the main heroes?