Our Lady in Anguera predictions about the Dragon

Message 3281 from Our Lady, Queen of peace, Anguera, Bahia, Brazil. transmitted on 17/02/2010

"Listen to what I am saying. The day will come when the furious Lion will lay at the feet of the dragon. A union of beasts will bring great suffering to My poor children"

15 December, 2007. Message from Our Lady of Peace, 2930.

"The day will come when the furious dragon will set fire to the lair of the bear, and my poor children will experience great suffering."

from the above two messages it is clear that whoever the dragon is (may be extraterrestrial force commanded by satan-dragon), it will subdue the Lion (Britain) and will fight with the Bear (Russia). The Eagle (America) suffers even before that, not mentioned to be from the Dragon or from the other beasts, at least not in Anguera apparitions (Bayside has more).

Our Lady in Anguera warns of Russia and China, but also says at least Russia will convert.
 The conversion is something that is not said by prophet Daniel about the 4th beast, only about the first 3 beasts that they will have a time of conversion. Russia is not the 4th beast. Someone else is. Someone made of iron, like the transformers for example, if we look for extraterrestrial origin to help the earthly incarnation of the Antichrist. And we'd better keep our eyes open, because in the name of conversion someone will want us pushed exactly towards the 4th beast and his false prophet.

It is quite possible some of the so called benevolent human ET to play the role of PR for the false prophet, while pretending they are fighting the Draconians, Orions (reptilians and/or humans) and the Grey.