Our Lady warns two Chinese cities: Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan (the quake), and Yantai on the Yellow Sea

3456. Message from Out Lady of Peace, Samambaia, DF, Brazil. transmitted in 21/03/2011

Dear Sons and Daughters, I come from heaven to tell you that you are loved, each one of you, by The Father, in The Son, through The Holy Spirit. I am your Mom and I come from heaven to help you. Have courage, faith, and hope. Nothing is lost. Be instruments of peace and love. Love, for love is stronger than death, and more powerful than sin. I know what you need and I will speak to My Jesus for you. Don’t back away. Humanity has contaminated itself with sin and needs to be cured. Return to Jesus. Your salvation is in Him. Open your hearts and accept the will of God for your lives. Chengdu (China) will live moments of anguish and of great pain for My poor children. Pray, pray, pray. I suffer because of what is coming to you. This is the message I transmit to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for permitting Me to reunite you here once more. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at Peace.

3.454. Message from Out Lady of Peace, Anguera, Bahia, Brazil. transmitted in 19/03/2011

Dear Sons and Daughters, don’t let the things of this world take you away from God. You belong to The Lord and He alone is your true happiness. Your are in this world but you don not belong to the world. Love the truth. Be honest in your actions. Don’t deceive anyone. God knows your hearts and will give to each one according to his works. Be just. I am your sorrowful Mother and I suffer because of what is coming to you. Azerbaijan and Yantai : death will come and My poor children will weep and lament. Bend your knees in prayer. Humanity has become spiritually poor because men have gotten away from their Creator. Return. My Lord awaits you with joy. Forward. This is the message I transmit to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for permitting Me to reunite you here once more. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at Peace.