Great Tribulation to start at the end of 2012

 The time is drawing close for the advent of the Great Tribulation. This event will commence from the end of 2012 and must not be confused with the time or the date for My Second Coming on Earth. For this, My children, is not being foretold in these messages. Anyone who attempts to give My children a date for My Second Coming is a liar and not a true prophet. I am, however, revealing years of specific events leading up to my Second Coming, through this prophet.

My Eternal Father could, if he decided, sit back and do nothing. Then these evil power hungry and deluded groups of powerful decision makers would win. By sucking My innocent children into their snare of hypnotic allegiance to Satan, The Evil One, they would steal souls. That will not be allowed

Prophecies contained in the Book of John will now come to light. These messages given to this prophet are to prepare My children to enter My Father’s kingdom.