TLDM again

Look at An apparition site for Bayside, it uses that platform for spreading a certain political agenda. Great it defends the rights of the unborn children! But it is not great when one senses agenda that nears that of Armaedonnic Bush clique. (but Bush was "antiabortion" so everything else was permitted to him/his team including embryo cloning and the formal approval of the implanted chip.

The latest issue covered in two posts of TLDM is anti-Al Jazeera. We are not hot supporters of the pan-Arab media either. But we definitely do not like the style of damning a relatively free and objective media. Especially compared tot he brainwashing American TV that a site like TLDM should criticize first and most of all (as the future propagators of the antichrist and the chip).

Actually, who is the enemy of TLDM? The antichrist, the chip, the NWO? Or the communists, the buddhists, the muslims and all who are not "we"? In the name of their own "our lady"? Or the rest of the world are not children of Our Lady?

Did someone therefore edit the old messages to put the necessary agenda in them? As that of who has more missiles - "our lady" or the red countries? This is just the tip of the iceberg. Because if we start thinking in that way, we'd like to see proofs of the claims that Paul VI was unreal, a fake person, and so on. Or how the antichrist is already there at that time, and still there are decades left. He would have died probably. Someone edited these messages so now it is very difficult to say what part of them is the original one. Because there is such part. As that of the predictions of the Ball of Redemption and WW3.

Just see the tiara - the triple crown they put on the head of the poor Benedict XVI. He himself doesn't put a crown, but they do!

Let guess what a fanatic stance they will take tomorrow when the events unfold. Hope we are wrong. But their fanaticism may only make them martyrs, if they are sincere in what they believe and are closed for further interventions of God, including by newer apparitions that they deny. We explained many times why the fanaticism will make martyrs - because those people will be uncapable to believe God is offering them the salvation of the body as well. By rescue in spaceships.