here are some coordinates
2011-Apr-05 00:00 11 06 30.63 +04 07 48.7
2011-May-01 00:00 10 38 01.51 +07 02 48.1
2011-Jun-01 00:00 10 27 12.88 +08 13 25.7
2011-Jul-01 00:00 10 43 26.20 +06 43 27.7
2011-Aug-01 00:00 11 25 49.00 +02 24 00.8
2011-Sep-07 00:00 12 45 36.88 -05 32 09.3
the comet is still too faint and nothing shows up on Google or Microsoft worldwide telescope, or If you have amateur telescope, try to find around these coordinates. it is quite possible the objects to be more than one, around the Planet X