Duke about the Church

There will be peace and indeed there will be harmony between the nations. The destruction of the Church will be so perfecty executed that unless Heaven intervenes, even the saintly will fail to recognize the error. But let me give you the telltale signs of the Churchs’ destruction. During those times you will observe that lust and materialism will abound but all the other sins, especially pride, will be hidden behind a veil. This will be started by the “True Antichrist” and ended by the “Celestial Purging”.

During those times, the Clergy will lead the march to hell. Only a very few of them will stand against the devil. Sadly, no one will even know except the few who consecrated themselves to Mary.

The error will not be obvious. The war will end and Rome will prosper. Everyone will come to her because she will embrace their spirits. Indeed, she will be a true prostitute, serving the gods of men, the fallen angels. Christ will be put aside. There will be peace, harmony and prosperity, so pleasing that many would not mind the sacrilege and blasphemies.
The false church will be de jure and the True Church will be de facto. After the death of the “Last Pope”, the faithful will be scattered among the nations and his true successors will barely trod in Rome.
But this is also the Great Hour of Divine Mercy. God will allow the greatest sinners to exist in those times so that He can forgive them in the end.
As the “Celestial Purging” comes, so will the faithful decrease in number. Then, after the “Celestial Purging” only the Saints, the innocent and those who will soon be converted will be left on Earth. The Church will be purified in this manner.

The Third Secret of Fatima is composed of two parts. One part concerns a Dogma of Faith and the other concerns the Chastisement in the form of a personal struggle between the “Last Pope” and the “True Antichrist”.
Pope Benedict XVI will reveal the part which is the Dogma of Faith and will leave to his successor the other half which concerns the struggle between “Last Pope” and the “True Antichrist”.
Both parts of the secret will cause a great schism in the Church but are in reality the Final Truths that will bring the Catholic Church to Perfection.

The Holy Father has changed his heart and plans to obey. But the curse brought by the disobedience of several Popes, of him and his predecessors, must first be paid. The Pope has paid dearly every time he moves towards Our Lady’s favor, this time, knowing that their time is up, they will ignite the war before he gets there.
The Pope should not dare travel anymore, but instead stay in Rome and do the Consecration as instructed at Fatima, this act will not prevent the War anymore, but it will win the war in favor of the Church.
And when the violence has erupted, neither should he go to Russia to resolve the crisis in purely human way. But rather, the Pope should again stay in Rome and turn his back to the World and prostrate before the Eucharist, only through this will he destroy all his enemies and bring true peace to mankind.
There is no other solution other than the Consecration of Russia and anything less is a mockery of Divine Will.