Duke: Betrayals Shall Mark World War III

When this war is over it shall be said that India betrayed China, China betrayed Russia, Russia betrayed the Muhammadans, and the Muhammadans betrayed themselves.

 By May 17 2010 Russian Forces will occupy Lebanon. By June 2010, American forces in Saudi Arabia will be in retreat having been decimated by the onslaught of Russian, Syrian and Saudi forces. Half of the US forces there will die in that land and of the other half that will survive this battle, only half will return home.

Russia shall not be conquered and the Great War will be won for the Church not through a military victory of the Western Alliance, but rather because at the highest point of Russian victory over all her enemies, a great leader of her army will be converted. This is the manner in which Heaven shall grant the prophesied victory as a fruit of the Consecration of Russia to the Most Immaculate Heart of Mary.

US city

Three bombs will be planted. One of tactical strength, will be caught and averted in Washington, but five days later, the other two, of strategic strength, will be unstoppable. The people can still be saved, but the other City is doomed to destruction. This City will never rise again. It will happen between the months of April and May of 2010.

The US will be shaken internally even before the Great War. Its economy will plunge in May and then collapse in June. In October violence will erupt within, and simultaneously, the Church will mourn. Her government will survive until the coming of the “True Antichrist”. After the glorious death of the “Last Pope” the US will continue in its decline until the coming of the “Celestial Purging” which will annihilate the greater part of humanity.