ET fleets above in the sky. Who are they?

Here we will repost some of the objects discovered in Spring 2009 - Spring 2010 by our team. Later some of them were reposted /rediscovered by other astronomers on ATS, MUFON and other places. Much later in 2011 a scientist from SETI decided that 3 of the objects are a ET fleet that will come to Earth in 2012. That was made widely known by the media.. In fact the first to propose such a fleet was Alex Collier in his September 2009 lecture in Camelot conference. But the objects existed in the sky even before that, in Spring 2009. The earliest we know about were found on Google sky and posted on youtube (not by us) - please scroll down.

Below are coordinates and images of the most interesting objects.  Please check our posts with the links below, and download the large list of coordinates.

Here is what Alex Collier exactly said on Camelot conference:

Important information revealed by
ALEX COLLIER at the Project Camelot Awake and Aware Conference, Los Angeles, Sept 2009

"In the next several years you all gonna think you 're living in a science fiction movie. And you are living in a science fiction movie, except it isn't a movie, it's a reality.

I was specifically ASKED by Moreney (Andromedan representative that Alex Collier is in contact with) to speak to you about:

* Cassini project classified, because of all the mothership activity filmed in Saturn system.
* a 1.5 mln miles off the South pole a 20 mile craft that is sat in a stationary. NASA and other organizations telescopes have been monitoring it for 8 months, they watch its trajectory to us. It is now
stationary and are craft going in and out of this 20-mile structure.
* very large planetary structure coming in 18 degrees RA of Neptune's orbit. it should be visible sometimes next year.

The government made some treaties for technology in exchange for experimentation and observation, and they were tricked.

If we were all love and light, we would not be going down this road to global fascism and powers that want to eliminate 2/3 of world population."


At that time we supposed they are hostile alien fleet. Now we don't know what they are. It is surprising if the rapture army will stay there for so long.

Friday, January 15, 2010

ET Invading force at 1,500, 000 miles (6 moon distances) around South pole

The object that was announced by SETI a year later, relatively in the South pole region. Notice the next object below was there BEFORE this one appeared. It is a delusion that the objects have stayed for years if not for decades in the old databases! SETI scientist quoted by MUFON and later by the media said, this was the ET fleet that comes in 2012. We don't know what it is. We know it was not in the sky and in Jan 2010 it was already there.

 Friday, January 15, 2010

waw waw what an object found!

19 26 51 -88 42 38

this ...ship wasn't there the week after Jan 1st when the other objects below were spotted in the same region! ...


Alex Collier's object :) We posted it as early as December 12 2009 (3 days after the "Norway spiral") and we are very glad that so many people in forums and youtube have searched for it and made videos too

Saturday, December 12, 2009

mysterious object off South Pole


Saturday, March 21, 2009

50+ objects around the Sun path can't all be fake


Thursday, March 12, 2009

12 cigar-shaped objects found on Google Sky and Worldwide Telescope, near Venus

 given kmz files ready to open in Google sky


The first report that appeared on MUFON, that made us start searching the sky:

Thursday, March 12, 2009

strange object in Google Sky, WWT