GLP is going to purchase 16" telescope for 16 000 USD, electronically equipped, commanded from and loaded into GLP website. The users could give coordinates for the search, once it appears online (still it is in the stage of delivery to a local private dome). Pretty hot stuff! Almost like the existing online observatories, one of which in NM used by the Russian scientist Leonid Elenin online, discovered comet Elenin. The difference from the existing online observatories is that the GLP telescope will be controlled by GLP leaders, who for now are showing independent thinking at least for the Planet X/comet Elenin and pin everything connected to it. Surely the purpose of the telescope is to observe the comet and any other body that may appear nearby (Planet X - Nibiru - Tyche) If you haven't entered soon, see how many positive comments and suggestions are there for the telescope - which kind is better, advices for its maintenance and so on. It has never happened so far in GLP, known for other kind of language and lack of a clear goal. Now they have their short-term goal, and I think we should support them morally.
Not even Project Camelot has anything like that. There are not such projects especially in the forum. The interviews we all know about of the great researchers are something in the archives and almost no one pays attention to them from the current Camelot/Avalon posters. I wonder why not Camelot to be the place to discover first Planet X. Obviously it is not at this moment. One doesn't make a discovery in a blink of an eye, if hasn't worked hard for that prepared with everything necessary - as for example Leonid Elenin did. If the important discovery and its analysis is not the goal, instead of the pointless bickering in forums.
It is very likely the place of discovery of Planet X to be GLP. Even if there are other agendas behind that. You know, if the faint comet was discovered by a similar 18" device, how about the planet 4xJupiter? The telescope of GLP, one of the best telescopes the amateurs could buy, is more than enough for that purpose if there are dedicated astronomers behind it, as we understand there are.
For all of us who do not posses such devices and who may not be able to give coordinates for GLP telescope (and how would we know the coordinates?), remains to observe the events also on the great online telescopes WWT (downloadable for free, much better than Google sky), and The coordinates of the comet were posted already. Please while doing your search (the comet is still not visible there) look around in a wider area. Somewhere there should be hiding the Planet X. It is not a coincidence that NASA announced for the first time ever in its history that the comet may not miss the earth, and at the same time announced the possibility of WISE telescope to have recorded planet Tyche (Planet X). Because they are coming together, with many smaller objects. If WISE data is loaded in the online astronomical database, it will be in the much more professional WWT. Well it could be in Google sky too. But the quality is non-comparable.
Last year we discovered more than a hundred objects not of natural origin. We have posted coordinates. They have been put online to be discovered, by whoever is behind that "leak". Only three of therm made it to the media, only after a SETI scientist announced them almost a year later. Alex Collier announced 3 objects (one is the discussed South Pole 20 mile craft) already in the Fall 2009. The first South pole objects were discovered on WWT by our dedicated team in January 2010 and posted online, copied by MUFON and forums like ATS, and in a number of youtube videos. No one except for astro-enthusiasts paid any attention. Now the 3 South pole objects become known widely, because someone somewhere have decided to make it known, with the SETI announcement, It was reprinted in a number of media, including Pravda, only these 3 South pole objects and none from the hundreds others.
The simple fact is, there is an entire fleet over there (or more than one). We are told via astro photos, and still no one believes it. When it appeares finally visible to the naked eye, many in position will say: "but we told you so! We discovered them and published them...".Only it will be late to discuss who are riding those ships. The same happens with the pyramid in Russia and the complete silence of researchers for the rest of the pyramids and spirals. They otherwise could speak loudly and convincingly on topics they are told to speak about.
The same will happen now with comet Elenin and planet X. I guess when CNN announces it, not as a possibility as it already did, but as astro photos made by some distant "Australian or Chile team", it will be a bit too late to do anything. It is not surprising the position of NASA and CNN. It is surprising the position of the people who say they dedicated themselves to independent unbiased research and who speak of that, but always hide something - the most important part. They know who they are.
Let take our own future in our own hands! Let discern the Signs of the time, the sign of the comet coming, the time of the rapture/rescue ships. And let not be deluded by people whose sole purpose is that!
download WWT here. you need only coordinates, but it is harder to navigate without them.
Google sky - easy to navigate, no polar regions supported, much lower quality of images