Pleiadian rapture? Not really

We wrote several times why it is unlikely the benevolent ET Pleiadians or Andromedans (or other human ET from nearby) to be the rapture army. Because they are already on Earth, among many reasons, and if they were the chosen ones by God, they would have given the slightest proof of that. Instead, they are known of rather not very religious views. They both call Ashtar group "Pleiadian renegate" (thru Alex Collier and Billy Meier). It is strange that Ashtar people on Earth mostly believe in Jesus Christ while the others mostly don't. So perhaps the one called "Pleiadian renegate" is not exactly such, rather someone who at least is a part of God's army if not a leading figure.

Still there are millions of worlds only in our galaxy, and uncountable number outside it. As we already said, God can choose any of these civilizations to carry out the physical rapture, leaded by spiritual angels.

What researchers like David Wilcock, Michael Salla and others suggest of ET help here on Earth, may coincide with the rapture, but more likely it is the help of the nearby ET in the period after the rapture when the left behinders who believe in Jesus Christ will be aided. Either this is the Woman in the desert aided by the earth and given 2 wings (air lift), or it is the rest of her offspring in Revelation 12:17.

We hope these analyzes will reach those ET representatives, like Collier, Wilcock and other unknown ones, whose ET races will make a clear review of what and where they are supposed to help. Please, use the search box for our previous posts on that large topic. Dr Salla has views that the Celestials (Archangels etc) will come to cleanse the Earth as they did at the time of Enoch. That may happen in Armageddon battle, that is the battle between the united earthly powers plus regressive ET, and the heavenly powers of benevolent ET and Angels. Unfortunately, there is still a time until then, and as one analysis suggests, the benevolent ET before that may lose the battle on Earth to the regressive ones. They should be prepared for that possibility to retreat in the refuges together with the left behind people who are of God.

We know there are good ET representatives on Earth, who are intelligent enough to browse internet, and to find this and other blogs. Once our blog appeared in the search of Dr Webre's site Well, we don't say that every ET researcher is connected to a particular ET group, but we are certain for some, and others unknown by us will come to this blog via web search too. Let they review all of that carefully. Not to believe in the Bible doesn't mean to reject everything and everyone connected to it. We hope that many of these benevolent ET groups will find their way to God and His Son. We already have the testimony of the Russian UFI scientist Dr Valery Uvarov, who said that very surprisingly the main goal of the ET who visited Russia was the search of God, thru research of the beahvior of large groups of population viia holograms (not abductions).  That proves there are indeed benevolent ET who at the same time are on their way to finding God and His revelation in human history. By helping the humans on Earth at the time of persecution, they will help God's people and thus help their own quest for God, becoming a part of God's people. We believe there is a possibility of baptizing human ET as recently Vatican official said.

An Interview with Valery Uvarov P.1
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In addition to that, we already posted about Russian ET presence (pyramids as the biggest manifestation of such, together with smaller events like Voronezh contact with 3 ET, and recently the Kalmykia president/governor boarding humanoid ship). We developed the idea that since the children pop songs clearly indicate the possibility of extraterrestrial trip, such has been arranged to take place BEFORE an expected ET war on Earth (or WW3).  

 We tried to make our case in forums dedicated to ET, like Camelot,  more or less successfully. In such forums there are all kind of people, including outright provocateurs who serve the enemy (that is the regressive ET and their earthly collaborators). We hope if there are genuine contactees and researchers who have such contacts with others, they will do their best for spreading what has been given to them as priceless information. Priceless, because they didn't have it before, despite all of their large amount of knowledge. We don't seek gratitude expressed in words for spreading God's word here and there, because our reward comes from God. If anyone of them reads here, let they know they have a good  chance to be on God's side if they decide so, however there are great temptations among them to side with the Antichrist system, in the name of "light, love, consciousness upgrade" and rest of otherwise great wordings. Not the good words of course, but the agendas behind some people who mask themselves using mind control techniques and most probably chipped.  The ET community of researchers should make sure where they stand in regard to Jesus Christ. Knowing very much, they somehow miss the point even for earthly matters and some allow to be deluded, as it is the case with Bill Ryan who is under heavy influence. Thus one of the leading figures Bob Dean who has incredible information about ET ships, reach to the point to say all ET are a part of one family that only quarrels among family how, the Grey, the various Reptilian, and the Human ET - all part of one family? You don't believe it, Bob, and don't ask us to believe that story! Name the friends and foes, discern among them! ET is not equivalent to an angel always, neither to a devil as others would say. Or we should put questions on those people who repeatedly don't make us discerning clearly, rather make us more deluded than before hearing them. We may like all the ET researchers and benevolent ET groups to be on God's side, but if they choose the other side one way or another, we have no right to follow them there, because it is the side of the Antichrist and the False Prophet.Their future is in their own hands, still.

So by now we are sure of these contacts of benevolent ET at least with Russia, and possibly with China, India and Brazil, as David Wilcock said in his last big post before his website was hacked. Also we know of a contact between unknown ET and Japan reported by Alex Collier  in January 2010 (youtube video). Perhaps those are exactly the Andromedans, hopefully. The regressive ET will not be autorized to act before the first and second, possibly third raptures. However, Babylon will fall between, most likely immediately after the second rapture/rescue (2nd Angel of Rev 14). So at the time of the later raptures the ET war on Earth will be already here. We discussed also the Russian role in it.

Duke Puntalangit prophecy is controversial. On one hand it says Russia will win, before she is converted. Then it says, Russian leader/general will be converted and thus Russia will aid the Church and the West. And then it says, the Church after the war will be controlled by the Antichrist, as well as the world except for some countries. Is Russia that was just converted to God, according to him, among the number of these countries as it is logical to assume? Or what conversion could it be if it will lead to the Antichrist system established in Rome after the WW3? OK we don't know all of Duke prophecy because as he says, he is forbidden by the bishop to talk clearly. So we take it only as a reference for the immediate events that lead to WW3. At that time the people who are still on Earth will know enough and will be able to discern the events.