unknown yet prophet announces 2011 Purification

Is this the Great Warning? Or is it a part of the Chastisement? If a comet comes that may hit us...
One website dedicated to Garabandal already declared that despite Garabandal prophecies are true, God has His own right to remove Great Warning and Miracle. May be because they see no time before it happens. We do not know how to comment on that. Still we prefer to believe what many prophets have said, not only Garabandal, that there will be a Great Warning and a Miracle, may be shortly one after another, may be this Spring. It will lose sense if in November 2011 after a comet impact the world is with 1-2 billion dead, to expect then the events of Garabandal. Still it is a possibility because at least two prophets: Littlest of servants, and Mary Jane Even have said that a billion and 2 billion people will die before/around the Great Warning.
However, that contradicts with other prophets who have said that the Great Warning itself won't kill anyone (Garabandal) and that it will stop the WW3 (the Trumpeter).The current new prophet also speaks of Great Warning, but I am not proficient in her writings and will not comment her. I think it is wise from now on to speak only of the Great Warning and not of "Garabandal great warning" since it is not something exclusive to that apparition.

Similar is with the 10 Mediugorie secrets. Until now we knew they are only 10, knkown by 6 people. Now we know, after the revelation of one of the seers, Maria, that it is quite possible the 6 people to have different sets of 10 secrets, some to coincide as it is the 3rd Great Miracle, while others to be different events. So to make a parallel between Garabandal and Mediugorie while forgetting about all the other apparitions, including such big ones as Anguera that speak exactly of coming cataclysms, and to pretend that such derived conclusions are valid for the world future, is a not very wise approach. Moreover none of us knows what is inside the secrets. However there are people who are doing that online and for lack of better comments are believed by thousands of believers of apparitions. The so called website Catholic planet that discredited almost every apparition under the sun, made that prediction of GW that already failed in the previous years. At the same time, while building up towers only on two-tree apparitions (without being a seer or anything), important prophets are set aside, as too...(not enough words).

No one really discusses John Leary and his sequence of events connected to the ntichrist. Despite there is a proof of another seer Carol Ameche that Leary is correct. I do not say that everything that Leary said would be fulfilled literally, and perhaps he himself would say that. The lovers of a no-WW3 forget about the Little Mary that was forbidden by her bishop before his retirement, who spread messages of a war on US territory including falling bombs. Even the Trumpeter, who do not say that all he says is directly coming from Heaven, and who envisions WW3 to be stopped by the Great Warning (while giving a different schedule of Spring-Summer, instead of Fall-Spring of Leary for the GW), even he says that US southern parts will be invaded. That coincides with Bayside "line of landing or invasion" that stretches from California to Alabama and North to New York.

Beware of the so called"holy love" apparition in Ohio! It is the clearest until now case of using microwave influence on a "seer". It shows nothing about the end time dangers, and offers no way out. The prefect tool of the antichrist!

The next in the list who could be doubted about that, is fr Melvin Doucette. He is quite well established, still it doesn't stop him of creating anti- views about the other Christian Churches who are apostoloc successors of the other apostles than Peter. It is easy for Doucette to say all catholic bishops are the descendants of the apostles, without taking into account the historical truth, and counting on the lack of knowledge among the catholic listeners. The catholic bishops are apostolic successors only of Peter, not of the other apostles who gave succession of the other churches known as Oriental. This is in the foundation of the Popes' negotiations with them, and the mutual recognition of the Sacraments. Otherwise, we go back to the Middle ages and the Inquisition.

While Doucette is well known and will be hard to be removed from apparition sites, the "holy love" phenomenon brings great concern. Good apparition lists and blogs like Joyce yahoo group Seers2 and the french apparitionmariales  have recently included "holy love" among their daily or weekly releases. Thanks God they included also Anguera. But should one include something only to fill his mailing list with more "apparitions"? Surely there are Latin American and other true apparitions not included in them. "holy love" has nothing to do with holiness or love, it has to do with microwave brainwashing. It won't warn you of the antichrist - it is not in their agenda to warn you!