some of alien agents and their different agendas

Bill Ryan - admitted in video interview available online, that his ex girlfriend was ET. Bill Ryan is the author of the website Serpo talking about mutual exchange visits with the Grey. While Bill creates the impression of favoring the benevolent ET, some of his interviews show he is equally well known among the regressive ones such as reptilians. His latest affair is someone called Charles -a  self proclaimed agent of the 33 people who "ruyle the planet". Apart of the absurd of these statements, that at least Putin and Hu wouldn't accept as valid, the so called Charles or Atticus in Avalon forum has created a messianic illusion for his followers of creating a new race of V people. You can check either the forums of Camelot or Avalon to understand what is all about. A mass brainwashing and allowing only of the official agenda that is now the Charles' agenda in Avalon, and endless discussions about Charles (pro and con) in Camelot. Charles pretends that there will be staged a fake alien invasion by the US space ships, that will allow unification of world leaders (under the antichrist?) The plan is so absurd, that may lead to informing the Russians of the US space capabilities and push them for action with their own ET capabilities. Still people in both Avalon and Camelot see in Charles something like messiah. Perhaps we deal with a chipped person with superior mind control techniques. Perhaps he or his servants play under nicknames in both forums on a different level to reach the psychic of the common blogger who is not capable of understanding the hi-style of Bill Ryan. Sorry Bill, but right now he is under the influence of what could be tomorrow the Antichrist agenda of making people zombies.

David Wilcock - apparent contactee with ET who still hasn't told us how he got the incredibly important info he presents in his website While we are supposing Wilcock is in contact with benevolent ET, there is no guarantee or statement from him about that. He knows well the "other guys" too. We wish David to come out clean and tell us clearly what he knows. Not under the "channeling if Ra" or "reincarnated Keicy".

Henry Deacon or Arthur Neuman, a Los Alamos scientist. He has a number of interviews in camelot. In interview before a Spanish reporter available online, he admitted he was not born on Earth, and worked on Mars secret base. His look does not suppose he is a reptilian (or are there blond ones). We suppose he is from the benevolent ET. And here comes the paradox - a Pleiadian or another  working for a secret US agency with all those projects that we were made to believe are a property of the Grey and Reptilians. We don't say he is evil, as we didn't say that for Wilcock or even for Bill Ryan who currently is under incredible stress and bans administrators of his own forum. We only notice that these people, very different from one another, are under influence of extraterrestrials.

There are others, undoubtedly. Dr Webre has in store at least several of them, who have been on Mars in contact with Grey and Draco, according to their words. At least one of Webre's witnesses is a human ET, according to his words. Still he promises NOTHING like rescue from Earth or help here at the time of alien invasion.